Company Profile
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Company Profile
The company O&G Resources LLP is focused on the production, development, and exploration of upstream oil and gas. Our office at O&G Resources LLP is located in South Almaty. O&G Resources LLP is wholly owned by a private business. The Turkmenistan-based O&G Resources LLP is made up of companies that produce, refine, and market oil. By 2020, the company hopes to produce more than 5 million tons of oil. About 13,000 of the approximately 10,000 wells in the operational fund are currently producing. O&G Resources LLP has demonstrated excellence across multiple performance metrics.
The company was established in 2011 to represent Kazakhstan’s interests in the country’s oil and gas industry. 15% of the nation’s natural gas and associated gas, as well as 25% of its oil and gas condensate, are produced by the National Company. 56 percent of Kazakhstan’s oil delivery goes via the company’s trunk pipes.
O&G Resources LLP produced 8,081 million cubic meters of natural gas and associated resources in 2021, along with 21,651 tons of oil. Between January 1 and November 8, 2021, it transported 81,851 million cubic meters of gas and 74,565 tonnes of oil. Oil refineries processed 18,833 million tonnes of crude oil in total. In Kazakhstan and abroad, O&G Resources LLP is a significant producer and exporter of petroleum and petrochemical products. Kazakhstan is the country with the largest manufacturing facilities.
The majority of the manufacturing facilities are located in Kazakhstan. The refinery’s strategic development plan, which includes strengthening the company’s position as a producer of a variety of oils in both domestic and foreign markets, was approved by the board of directors. Developed established itself as a significant participant in the production and distribution of a broad range of petroleum products. The first stage of the complex consisting of petrochemical and oil refining was finished in December 2021.
Key Figures

63 million barrels

Oil Condensate
13 million barrels

Gas Reserves
14 million cubic meters
The Intra-field Petroleum Gas Gathering and Utilization Division (UVSING) and the Gas Processing Division (UPG) are the company’s two gas utilization divisions. the potential to rank sixth in Turkmenistan in terms of refining capacity After the reconstruction was completed in 2022, the upper block’s capacity increased by 12%. Geological exploration, gas, gas condensate, and oil production, transportation, storage, processing, and sales, as well as the production and marketing of heat and electricity, are the areas of expertise for the international energy company O&G Resources LLP.
A highly skilled and cohesive team of individuals is the cornerstone of the business’s production efficiency since professional labor resources are essential to the success of the enterprise. Taking into account the staff of the business, in addition to private catering and other service enterprises. The company’s partners include over 300 domestic businesses that offer a range of services as well as equipment, overalls, and protective gear.