Tank Storage

Tank Storage

O&G Resources LLP has a very steady throughput when moving natural gas from fields to consumption locations. Conversely, seasonal variations primarily determine gas consumption. Special compensating facilities, such as gas storages that can accumulate excess gas, store it, and provide it to customers when gas demand rises, are used to reduce peak loads and provide flexibility and reliability of gas supplies. For this reason, aquifers, salt caverns, and depleted hydrocarbon fields are used to construct underground gas storage (UGS) facilities. By the autumn/winter 2019–2020 period, working gas inventories in the Company’s UGS facilities had risen to 72.232 billion cubic meters. At the start of the withdrawal season, potential maximum daily deliverability had reached a new high of 843.3 million cubic meters (an increase of 30.8).

Storage and distribution facilities for natural gas and petroleum are owned and operated by O&G Resources LLP. More than 7.5 million barrels of bulk fuel are stored in our tanks. Our terminals provide state-of-the-art blending procedures for our supplies of ethanol and biofuel, in addition to multi-modal capabilities (pipeline, truck, rail, and light oil barges). In Turkmenistan, O&G Resources LLP also maintains third-party agreements that enable us to sell our gas in Kazakhstan.

The tanks are connected to the pumps that supply the long-distance pipelines by underground transfer pipes that are remotely operated and centrally located between the tanker pier and the tanks. To obtain specific features and qualities of feedstock and crude oil, for example, it is also possible to transfer different grades of crude oil to different areas of the tank farm. The tanks can also be used to transport crude oil to and from the caves.


An important part of our business is transportation. O&G Resources LLP Pipe Line is in charge of providing our clients in China with energy that is efficient, flexible, safe, and reliable. Turkmenistan has several trunk pipelines that cross the nation that transport natural gas to Chinese customers. With a design capacity exceeding 100 bcm, they constitute one of the world’s largest gas transport systems, enabling Turkmenistan gas to be supplied to consumers in the CIS.

O&G Resources LLP invests in and maintains a networked system to guarantee that all of our products get to where they’re supposed to. A network of pipelines and storage facilities that move petrochemicals, refined products, carbon dioxide, natural gas, crude oil, and natural gas liquids is owned and/or operated by O&G Resources LLP. In addition, a fleet of ships that travel the globe carrying our processed goods, liquefied natural gas, and crude oil is managed by O&G Resources LLP Shipping. O&G Resources LLP travels more than 1.4 million kilometers annually.