

O&G Resources LLP is dedicated to conducting business ethically in order to minimize the impact of our operations on the environment. We aggressively pursue strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while adhering to stringent international environmental regulations. Our primary environmental objectives for 2020 were to keep concentrating on methods of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and to take part in the Carbon Disclosure Project (formerly known as the CDP), which is an essential platform for businesses to report on their environmental impact and risk management.

Independent graders evaluated our Climate Change CDP response, and we are happy to announce that O&G Resources LLP obtained a “C.” Our first-year score, which demonstrates how the policies and procedures we have developed in recent years are preparing the Company to deal with climate change both now and in the future, fills us with great satisfaction. We remained committed to enhancing transparency in our operations and to our involvement in the CDP project in 2021. In July, O&G Resources LLP submitted its first responses for the Water Security CDP module and its Climate Change CDP replies, both of which aimed to maintain or improve the “C” grade.

Greenhouse gas (‘GHG’) emissions

O&G Resources LLP continues to invest in cutting-edge technology in an effort to minimize all greenhouse gas emissions. Since 2020, O&G Resources LLP has been tracking and disclosing GHG emissions, adhering strictly to Kazakhstan’s GHG emission regulations. In 2021, we participated in the CDP disclosure process a second time to show our dedication to advancement and openness in this field.

O&G Resources LLP, a dual-listed company, complies with Turkmenistan reporting standards. The time frame for which the Directors’ Report is prepared and the Company’s GHG reporting period coincide. According to the Kazakhstan National Plan for 2020–2021, O&G Resources LLP was permitted to emit 627,174 tonnes of carbon dioxide (or “CO2”). The GTU 3 plant, which was not included in the National Plan at the time, required an extra quota of 103,650 tonnes of CO2 emissions in 2019, according to the Ministry of Ecology, Geology, and Natural Resources of Kazakhstan.

O&G Resources LLP has been assigned a quota of 212,998 tonnes of CO2 emissions in 2021 by the National Plan. By altering the operations and maintenance schedule and reducing the amount of fuel gas we use and the amount of flare gas produced, we hope to increase the efficiency of our facilities. O&G Resources LLP is committed to decreasing the amount of flaring and only flares in accordance with the terms of gas flaring licenses issued by the Kazakhstani Ministry of Energy. It has been demonstrated that the maintenance performed on our gas treatment facilities reduces the risk of unintentional flaring, and the implementation of a gas utilization program has decreased gas flaring.