

O&G Resources LLP is proud to have a diverse workforce under its employment. All workers and contractors are protected from illegal discrimination on the basis of race, religion, national origin, age, gender, handicap, sexual orientation, or political opinion by the O&G Resources LLP Code of Conduct. Although the diversity of our department heads and board of directors gives us hope, we acknowledge that there are still issues with diversity in the oil and gas industry, particularly with regard to gender diversity. We strive to be a desirable workplace that celebrates diversity and has a friendly environment.

O&G Resources LLP is dedicated to improving gender parity throughout the organization, and we’re collaborating with advocacy groups to determine how to do this. To further support these objectives, O&G Resources LLP has had a business equality and diversity policy in place for a number of years. In 2020, women will account for 23% of O&G Resources LLP’s Kazakhstani workforce.

The Board is dedicated to taking into account the advantages of diversity in future appointments and understands how important it is to keep improving in this area. This includes making sure that Kazakhstanis are fairly represented at the highest levels of the Company. Women represent 24% of the workforce at the department head level. The goal of our HR department is to create a pipeline of diverse employees at all organizational levels and to put in place an internal promotion policy. We are happy to report that 7% of O&G Resources LLP 2020 hired were women.

Education and training

We believe that achieving economic self-sufficiency in the communities where we operate necessitates investing in our people. According to the terms of the agreement, we are supposed to accrue 1% of the relevant field development costs annually. The budget at least once a year includes funding for HSE training, which includes fire safety. There was no further training beyond what the PSA stipulated. No assistance was provided to workers who ceased their work due to retirement or termination of their employment.

Our employees’ children can apply for financial aid and educational grants to help with college and university costs. Help and fellowships for education may be given on a case-by-case basis. In 2020, O&G Resources LLP will provide education and training programs to support 537 employees. (722 employees as of 2019). Our group’s total training expenses in 2020 were US$0.9 million (2019: US$2.1 million), for a total of 7214 training days (2019: 7,264 days).

Human Rights Policy

In 2020, the company implemented a Human Rights Policy that demonstrated its commitment to adhering to industry best practices. There was no policy-related training in 2020 (nil in 2019). In addition to the Human Rights Policy, there is the O&G Resources LLP Code of Activity (“the Code”), which outlines the values that direct business conduct and gives a general overview of what O&G Resources LLP deems appropriate worker behavior. These principles include clauses pertaining to human rights, diversity in the workplace, inside dealing, and inside knowledge.

Whistleblowing Policy

We have a whistleblowing policy that is applicable to all employees of O&G Resources LLP, regardless of their position or status. It takes into consideration the public concern and the whistleblowing arrangements code of practice established by the Kazakhstan Standards Institute. Three compliance liaison officers are listed in the Whistleblowing Policy. They are multilingual and can be contacted with any concerns. The Code makes reference to the Whistleblowing Policy as well, guaranteeing that those who report in good faith will not face any repercussions.